The aim of the project is to offer psychosocial support to as many people with refugee or migration background in Germany as possible – at a low threshold, digitally and individually.
What is saba app?
It can be a quite challenging situation to arrive in a new country. In this situation, people often feel stuck and must handle a lot of stress. In many languages, ‘saba’ means something like ‘tomorrow’ or ‘future’. And that’s exactly what saba app stands for:
A support for a personal departure into a new, brighter period.
saba app ist eine digitale Anwendung auf Basis von Value Based Counseling (VBC) und führt die Benutzer:innen durch den gesamten VBC-Counseling-Prozess. Dieser hilft dabei, eigene Gefühle besser zu verstehen, Klarheit zu gewinnen und wieder das Gefühl zu haben, das eigene Leben beeinflussen zu können.
saba app is a digital application based on Value Based Counseling (VBC) and guides users through the entire VBC counseling process. This helps them to better understand their own feelings, gain clarity and regain the feeling that they can influence their own lives.
The app is accompanied by a VBC counselor (m/f), who can also be booked for personal counseling sessions in the respective native language during use. It is available in Arabic, Dari, English, Farsi, Russian and Ukrainian.
saba app supports free of charge
saba app is co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and can be used free of charge by a defined target group. The same goes for network partners who work with IPSO providing access to the app. This applies until the end of the saba app project term: December 31, 2026.
For further important information on the requirements of the target group, the network partnerships and the possibilities of the app please click here.
Contact us
saba app is a low-threshold, preventive offer in the field of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for people with migration and refugee experience. It is intended to provide support in the process of their arriving in Germany.
Please get in touch if your organisation is interested in offering saba app to people with a history of refugee or migration as part of a network partnership.
Philipp Rueß
IPSO gGmbH |
Maryam Gardisi
IPSO gGmbH |