The many people who fled to Germany in 2015 and 2016 and – more recently – the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022, triggered an impressive wave of solidarity and support. As a humanitarian organisation that has developed the Value Based Counseling (VBC) method, an innovative form of support for people with flight and migration experiences who are counseled by people with similar experiences, we are especially sensitised to the challenges and stresses faced by the counselors who support those with flight and migration experiences. They have our support through Razom (Ukrainian for “together”) – United at Ipso, which we launched a few weeks after the start of the Russian war of aggression.
Support services: Online counseling, support and exchange groups, supervision, online seminars and crash courses in self-care, etc.
Our services are open to everyone in Germany who wants to support people with flight and migration experiences. Counselors are available for online counseling in 16 languages. The majority of our other services are only available in English and German. Contact us at any time to discuss how we can best support you.
Personal psychosocial counseling – VBC
The project provides personal psychosocial counseling with a self-care perspective. Supporters can get face-to-face advice from our counselors. Short-term counseling takes place online. It is confidential.
Support and exchange groups
We lead and moderate online support and exchange groups for staff from organisations that support other people. We have created an environment where you can exchange ideas about the good and difficult aspects of your work and find good solutions to challenges together as well as experiencing relief and gaining strength.
We also offer support teams the opportunity to receive group counseling or supervision from us. This gives them the chance to analyse their own work processes, communication channels and forms of communication as well as any structural challenges and to identify room to manoeuvre to implement changes.
Online seminars and crash courses in self-care, etc.
We provide online seminars and crash courses about issues relevant to your practical work:
- self-care for helpers
- trauma-sensitive work with people who have experienced flight
- intercultural understanding and communications
Matthias Freund,
Send us a brief e-mail and let us know if you need specific support. We will contact you as soon as possible.